Also mount the Z nut mount in the middle on the small aluminum extrusion on the platform. Then, mount the Z-carriages and bearings. Printed parts: 2 x Z_Carriage 4 x Z_Carriage_Clamp 4 x Z_Shaft_Clamp 1 x Z_Nut_Mount 1 x Z_Motor 1 x Z_Leadscrew_Support 4 x Bed_Support 1 x Z_Endstop 1 x Z_Endstop_Adjust Z-axis: 1 x T8 300mm leadscrew with nut 1 x 5x8mm flexible coupler 2 x 350mm smooth rods 4 x Igus RJ4JP-01-08 Platform: 2 x 285mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 1 x 135mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 90 Degree Corner Bracket Button Head Screws M5 (Single) (Length: 8mm) 4 x Small springs for the bed.

If something is missing or unclear in this instructable, please let me know. All my parts are printed in Torwell PETG, 0,25mm layer height, 50% infill. You will require a 3D-printer or access to a 3D-printing service to build this printer.
116 x "Drop-in" Tee nuts Linear movement: 2 x 8mm Hardened steel smooth rod, length 300mm (Y axis) 2 x 8mm Hardened steel smooth rod, length 360mm (X axis) 2 x 8mm Hardened steel smooth rod, length 350mm (Z axis) 10 x IGUS RJ4JP 01-08 bearings 1 x T8 300mm Lead Screw 1 x 5x8mm Aluminium Flexible Shaft Coupler 16 x F623ZZ Flange Bearing 1 x 5M GT2 Belt 2 x 2GT-20 Teeth Timing Pulley Electronics: 4 x NEMA17 stepper motor (4000g-cm 56OZ-IN) 1 x All Metal Bowden Remote Extruder 1 x 3D Printer Controller RAMPS 1.4 Board (display board is optional) 1 x Arduino Mega 2560 R3 5 x A4988 (or DRV8825) Stepper motor driver 1 x MK3 Aluminum Heatbed 1 x High Current 210A MOSFET Upgrade (or a relay and bang-bang setting for heatbed) 3 x Endstop switch Various Cables and dupont (female) connectors Misc parts: 1 x 440Pcs M3 A2 Stainless Hex Head Socket Cap Screws Nuts Assortment Kit I bought all parts for the frame from RatRig as they have a complete kit with all fixings required, except from electronics and the printed parts (Hypercube 3D kit from Ratrig: Natural Kit - All Black Kit). Frame (all supplied in the kit from RatRig): 2 x 340mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 2 x 303mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 2 x 340mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 2 x 303mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 4 x 350mm V-SLOT 2020 Aluminium Extrusion 28 x 90 Degree Corner Bracket 56 x Button Head Screws M5 - 8mm 60 x Button Head Screws M5 (Single) (Length: 10mm). I used other bearings and smooth rods, but otherwise my BOM is quite similar. The original BOM (Bill of Material) is availible at the Tech2C Thingiverse page.