com $$ The Grill on the Alley outstanding service Ea sily mista ken for t he Willia m Morris A genc y’s lunchroom, fle Grill is crawling wit h Holly wood a gents a nd t heir clients. fle duck schawarma, pide ffatbreads a nd a wa rm chickpea sa lad wit h browned butter a re incredible. Rodeo Dr., 310.247.8939 $$$$ Momed Modern Mediterra nea n is t he t heme of t his ca sua l restaura nt/deli/ ma rketplace - dishes a re a n innovative elevation of specia lties from Greece, Turkey, L eba non, Israel a nd ot her Ea stern-Med regions. Be forewa rned: A f ter one mea l here, you will have trouble enjoying sushi a ny where else. fl is is one of t he most expensive restaura nts on t he West Coa st ( $ 350 per person), but wort h absolutely ever y penny. fle k a iseke menu is set, so a ll you have to do is show up a nd enjoy. His attention to deta il is simply unpa ra lleled. Raffles L’Ermitage Hotel, 9291 Burton Way, 310.278.3344, $$$$ Urasawa Chef Hiro Ura sawa is t he best chef of Japa nese cuisine in Ca lifornia-if not a ll of Nort h A merica. But the restaurant itself is still a quiet refuge with a super-sexy and private patio. No word yet on what this means for the menu or chef. com, $$ The Restaurant at L’Ermitage fle L’Ermitage hotel has just transitioned from the Singapore-based Raffles brand to our very own L. Beverly Dr., 310.273.5578, thefarmof beverlyhills. But t he dog-friend ly patio isn’t t he only t hing we love about t his a ll-day ca fé. com $$$$ The Farm of Beverly Hills fl is is our ver y favorite place in Beverly Hills to dine wit h FiT a nd Fido. Dim lighting a nd mu ltiple enclaves a ssure privac y for t hose seek ing it. com $$–$$$ Mastro’s Steakhouse Celebrit y publicists woo clients over big stea k s a nd stifi Ma rtinis at t his st ylish t wo-stor y stea k house. com $$$ Test Kitchen E xpect t he unexpected at t his experimenta l concept where visiting chefs (like Ludovic L efebvre, Wa lter Ma nzke a nd John Sed la r) pop in for a single night or sometimes a week long run, showca sing t heir latest R&D idea s t hat wou ld ot her wise be relegated to t he back burner. FY I, Chen has been chosen to represent Canada in the prestigious Bocuse d ’Or (aka culinar y olymics) in 2013. fle geoduck clam with cured hamachi and chile, and the porcini-crusted Wag yu beef with creamed corn, morels and onion rings are sublime. com $$ Polo Lounge R ising-star chef A lex Chen replaced his mentor Robert A llen (now F&B Director) at this landmark restaurant inside the Beverly Hills Hotel. fle ba r ofiers 50 Ita lia n wines by t he gla ss - a nd if you wa nt to buy a bott le to ta ke home, t his is t he only place you ca n do it. com $$ E n o t e c a D r ag o Celestino Dra go’s latest project wa s supposed to be a simple enoteca (wine ba r). com $$$ Mariposa L obster club sa ndwiches a nd foie gra s ravioli ma ke t his t he most elega nt ba sement hideout in Beverly Hills for t he ladies who lunch a nd t he men who love to shop.

Chef L ee Hef ter does most of t he cook ing t hese days (sublime Ca lifornia cuisine), but you ca n still sa mple Puck ’s fa mous pizza s, pa sta s a nd Austrian classic s.

com $$ Spago Wolfga ng Puck ’s ffa gship is still t he most importa nt restaura nt in town. fle new menu is a ll Ita lia n, a ll t he time, wit h accla imed chef Mirko Paderno heating up t he k itchen. com $$$ ser ving a f u ll menu t hat includes pizza s, pa sta s a nd a n a ma zing porchetta (slow-roa sted pork). His generous dessert menu is T lled wit h beloved Ita lia n dolci, such a s pa nnetone wit h custa rd, chocolate tortino a nd a va riet y of crea my gelati.

Food drink Guide (sweet corn a gnolotti).